Strawberry Banana Frozen Yogurt Pops

So is anyone else excited the summer-like weather has finally arrived?? It seems like lately we’ve been on a swing of weather changes – hot, cold, hot, cold…but finally the good weather is here and it looks like to stay. Yeah, we may be getting more rain versus this time last year but hey, a little bit of rain on a hot day is always welcomed. Don’t you just love the smell of rain showers hitting the warm pavement? Just a sign that summer is right around the corner!
And all this warm weather made me want a cool and icy treat to munch on. I had a few strawberries, one banana and about a cup of Greek yogurt on hand, so I put it all together to make these Gluten Free Strawberry Banana Frozen Yogurt Pops.

Gluten Free Strawberry Banana Frozen Yogurt PopsNow does anybody else have the same problem I have – owning a crappy blender? This blender is supposed to ‘crush’ ice but how is that possible if it’s not even capable of pureeing a ripe banana? Seriously?! Whenever I’ve tried to make a smoothie, I always end up with lumps of fruit in my cup. I don’t get it, isn’t a blender supposed to take care of that? This thing definitely does not live up to its name of ‘CrushMaster’.
So, I knew that if I used this so called ‘blender’ to make these Gluten Free Strawberry Banana Frozen Yogurt Pops, I’d just end up frustrated, and with a lumpy mess. That’s why I made these pops using a good ol’ handy dandy potato masher. With a little bit of muscle work, I mashed down the strawberries and bananas to a non-lumpy consistency. Buh-bye ‘CrushMaster’, you have been replaced! Then you whisk in the yogurt, a little bit of honey and voila…a creamy frozen treat with minimal clean up.

Gluten Free Strawberry Banana Frozen Yogurt Pops

I used Olympic Krema Greek Yogurt coconut flavour, but you can use another flavour or plain. The Olympic Krema Greek Yogurt is by far the best Greek yogurt I have ever tried. It’s so rich, thick and creamy, with no gelatin and bonus it’s labeled gluten free, which means not having to call the company to confirm (yippee!). If I could eat unlimited amounts of dairy on a daily basis, I would go through tubs and tubs of this Krema Greek yogurt – I’m just saying.
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Pure deliciousness!
Enjoy and thanks for stopping by! Comments are always welcomed.

Gluten Free Strawberry Banana Frozen Yogurt Pops

Prep Time: 10 minutes

Makes: 6 pops


  • 1 cup chopped strawberries (about 6)
  • 1 cup chopped ripe banana (about 1)
  • 1 cup Greek yogurt (I used coconut flavoured, but you can use any flavour or plain)
  • 2 tbsp honey


  1. Cut up cleaned strawberries and banana into medium bowl.
  2. Using a potato masher, mash strawberries and banana until no lumps (or very few) are left.
  3. Whisk in yogurt and honey.
  4. Pour into popsicle molds and freeze for at least 4 hours before enjoying.

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